705-522-6655 | 1-877-522-6655 speech.secretary@nbrhc.on.ca

Wordplay Jeux de mots

Sudbury & Manitoulin


Northeast Ontario Infant Hearing Program

All babies born in the districts of Manitoulin, Sudbury, Algoma, Cochrane, Nipissing, and Temiskaming will have an infant hearing screening shortly after birth.

children with their hands raised

Preschool Speech and Language Services Sudbury Manitoulin

Our family centered intervention services includes assessments, consultations, parent training, home programs, individual and group programming.

Teacher coloring with two kids

Northeast Ontario Blind Low Vision Early Intervention Program

Children between the ages of 0-6 years diagnosed with blindness or low vision are eligible for family support, intervention and consultative services.

Contact Us

Ask a question or reach out to us using the form below. 

12 + 3 =

705-522-6655 | 1-877-522-6655


680 Kirkwood Drive, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 1X3
